When Savarkar was sentenced to fifty years of rigorous imprisonment in Andaman,during his walk he used to recite the whole of the Yoga Sutras,and recalling each Sutra to mind he used to meditate on it.His reverie was broken by the Havildar who demonstrated how Savarkar was to break the coiled rope ,to cut it to pieces ,spin it and again make threads out of it.The rigors of his jail life would make the stoutest hearts shudder.And here is the Yogi chastening the mind:"How foolish you are ,o, my mind?What is degrading in it?You think that your life is going to be a waste.But is not life the same process - a weary round,spinning and unspinning,doing and undoing ,evolving and desolving , a tremendous pis-aller?The strand of life is woven out of fusion of five elements.piecing together the same threads it is lengthened out ,and when the threads and the strand suffer decay,death,with its wooden hammer pounds it into pulp,to restore it back to elements from which it was drawn.'Dust thou art and to dust thou shall return'"
And then the hero is determined to fulfill one ambition he cherished in his childhood - to write an epic,not having a piece of paper or even a broken pencil.He calculates ten to twenty verses a day meant an epic of from 50,000 to 100,000 lines at the end of the period.He had to compose the lines,repeat them ,carry them in his mind,adding on to them from day to day,and the work would thus be complete.